
Last month I headed out of the office for a very exciting trip to South Africa. I was really looking forward to the trip as I visited South Africa on my own gap year (a few years ago now) and loved it so was keen to see whether it had changed much.  I visited a number of our programmes but started off with our South Africa monkeys programme. I had extremely high hopes as I had heard so much about it from my colleagues who have visited the programme before and it certainly didn’t disappoint.

I met lots of wonderful Oyster volunteers who were spending their summer breaks helping out this fantastic programme and of course I got stuck in with the volunteer tasks but it has to be said that the real highlight was meeting the monkeys and baboons. I made friends with one of the baby vervets, Mia, very quickly and had a great time watching the young baboons playing, fighting and generally getting into lots of mischief. I think I could have spent hours watching the way that these incredible animals interact with one another (something I think the vast majority of our volunteers consider a highlight).

I am sharing some of my photos from the trip today. It has to be said that one of the main things that I learnt was that monkeys and baboons are not always the most willing subjects for photos and they make taking anything but blurry photos quite a challenge.

Searching for bugs Sorting fruit Volunteers hard at work Mia Kiwi Vervets vervet

If you would like to get involved in the programme you can find out more on our website. 

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