
Oyster Banff groupOur summer group working in the Canadian Rockies have been living in Banff now for the past 6 weeks. Last night the group got together for the ‘Oyster meet up’ – a great opportunity for the group to have a meal and a beer on Oyster but also for us to catch up on all that they have been up to for the past few weeks.

My colleague in Banff, Arjun, has reported that all is going well this season, everyone is working hard and enjoying their days off. Working in hospitality is never easy. The jobs are physically demanding, as housekeepers they are on their feet all day long, lifting and bending. That said, everyone is doing well!

The weather in The Rockies so far this summer has been incredible, really warm! In my view, one the great selling points for Canada is the climate. Canadians enjoy cold, snowy winters and warm sunny summers – slightly different to life back home in the UK!

Oyster summer group in BanffWorking in hospitality during the summer season in Banff is great on two fronts. Firstly, the hotels are running almost at peak capacity between June and September, which means lots of hours and money for our participants. Secondly, the days off are incredible. So far this season, our group has been kayaking on the lake, hiking up mountains, visiting Calgary and even attending the Calgary Stampede!

We are now taking bookings for our summer 2016 programme in Banff. So if you want to earn money, boost your CV and have an awesome summer next year, check out our hospitality work in Canada page for more details and to apply. If you have any questions, comment below and I’ll be in touch.

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