
We are often asked how best to take money overseas. Over the years we have recommended many different ways of doing this. Today, we feel that the best way to take your money overseas, manage your budget and keep it safe, is Revolut.

Revolut is a helpful pre-paid card, which enables you to safely travel with money overseas, using the card instead of carrying large quantities of cash or risking high charges on your everyday bank card. For you, as a traveller, it can offer the following:

  •  Loading the card with your currency, with no hidden fees
  •  Withdraw cash from ATMs across the world with excellent exchange rates
  •  Pay by card wherever Visa and Mastercard are accepted
  •  Withdraw up to £200 (or local equivalent) every month for free

Using the Revolut app (for which you do need an internet connection), you can top up your card as you go, ensuring that you always have enough money with you. This is a safe and easy way of taking as much money as you need when away from home. You can also freeze and unfreeze the card via the app, so you can stop any transactions going through if your card is misplaced.

Over 140 currencies are accepted when using this card, just look for the Mastercard or Visa sign.

This card is available to residents of UK, Australia, USA, Canada, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Republic of Cyprus, Romania, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland.

For more information, and to order your free card, check out the Revolut website.

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