
A snapshot of life in the Outback

Julia Innes, on the work programme in the Australian Outback, kindly shares some of her thoughts and photos with us. Thanks Julia! The training farm was good. Justin prepped us well for …

The truth about tuition fees and student debt

Cambridge has now announced that their tuition fees will be hiked up to £9000 for the academic year of 2012. Other universities will now start following suit, stating how much they intend …

The Romanian Bears Experience

Past volunteer Anne tells us all about life at the bear sanctuary in Brasov. A typical day at the sanctuary goes like this: make it up as you go along. There is …

62 days of living with bears

Larissa Gleason tells us all about her time living with bears in Romania- it sounds like she had an excellent time in this amazing location. Thanks very much Larissa! Volunteering in Romania at …

A day in the life of working with turtles

Anne’s account of life at the Paradise Beach Placement continues: This morning I woke up and realised that something very strange was going on. It was very quiet. An intensely bright light …

Too young to take a gap year?

The typical gap year is generally taken post A-levels, post university or as a career break. For actress and human rights supporter, Emma Thompson, her idea of taking a career break gap …

Develop your professional skills: Teaching

Develop your professional skills with a gap year:  teaching So you want to be a teacher – or maybe you’ve been at it for years.  Either way, a gap year project involving …

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