
Jungle volunteering: how I helped monkeys in Ecuador

Jungle volunteering: working with monkeys in the Amazonian rain forest Diana has recently returned from Ecuador where she immersed herself in caring for rescued monkeys at a primate sanctuary. Here she tells …

What I learned from travelling in Ecuador

“Travelling in Ecuador gave me a new perspective on life” Diana has just recently returned from travelling in Ecuador. She first spent time volunteering at the monkey sanctuary on the edge of …

Surfari weekend for only £250!

If you’re volunteering on one of our conservation projects, or staying in Australia for a full year on our farm work programme, why not tag on a bit of fun to round …

Top five reasons you should work abroad

20When you are young is arguably the best, and almost certainly the easiest, time for you to uproot and go and live abroad for a while. This is probably why our paid work …

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