
Find out what Oyster volunteers have said in these reviews of our baboon rehabilitation programme in South Africa:

Baby monkey in rehabilitation in South Africa

“Really enjoying it. It’s been a great week. We have five rescued baby baboons and this week the center is short staffed so they asked me to be a surrogate mother to one of them so all very exciting. On top of that the first day we witnessed a pride of lions finishing a kill by the river, as well as seeing twice a pack of wild dogs, giraffes, elephants, warthog, impala among others I don’t know the names of. Tomorrow I’ve signed up to go on a day safari with them along with two other volunteers!”

Avena, Nov 2024

“We had a great time at the project. Their ethical practices are world class. Our kids left there amazed by what they achieved and were involved in. In terms of your assistance, we couldn’t ask for more. Sincere thanks from all of us.”

Paul, Alycia and family, Dec 2023

Two monkeys in the grass

Reliable and friendly follow-up from Kate throughout the entire process for volunteering in South Africa. Security for assistance with all necessary details. Good information. Easy website. I can really recommend Oyster Worldwide and I would definitely choose them again. The project has a really serious and high methodical standard in all they do for the baboons. I am impressed. It’s hard work, and really meaningful to be part of it.

Frida, August 2024

“We had a great time at the project. Their ethical practices are world class. Our kids left there amazed by what they achieved and were involved in. In terms of your assistance, we couldn’t ask for more. Sincere thanks from all of us.”

Paul, Alycia and family, Dec 2023


“We had a very special experience at this project, one that we will hold in our hearts forever and one we hope to repeat one day. I found all of the pre-travel information easy to access and very informative.  Safe to say we entered this experience with some trepidation never having been to South Africa or done this sort of thing before, but I felt so well prepared and even better, fully supported every step of the way.  I loved the My Oyster portal where I could collect all the information in one place at my own pace. You were responsive to my questions, the transition to SA team was painless and we had all the information we needed at every step. The experience itself was like nothing else.  Travelling with children (11 and 8) on my own to a country I only knew through what the media has shown me was, I was on high alert but as soon as we arrived and met the team, I relaxed knowing I had nothing to worry about. We were going to be safe and that was such a relief (and quite rare for me!). The family who run the business were so welcoming, easy going yet exuded a sense of professional strength. It was well organised, clean (as best it can be being in the African bush!) and easy to fit into. The biggest surprise I think for all of us, was how well the children adapted. Their abilities were considered but also encouraged and I witnessed them step into their own in a way I could never have imagined back in the UK. The variety of tasks we were given was interesting and the education we received along the way was well received. I think our favourite part was being able to get out into the community and witness and get involved in the work they do. Actually, if you asked the girls, their favourite part was playing with the rabbits and guinea pigs with Sophia!  It’s a very special place and the whole experience was seamless. I totally switched off and relaxed which is really hard for me to do but I knew I was in safe hands and everything was taken care of. So thank you, I hope to be in a position to book another adventure through you one day.  We are definitely explorers now! ”

Catherine and daughter, 2 weeks June 2023

“I just got back home yesterday! I had the best time on my trip and I was so sad to be leaving. Thank you for all of the help you provided, everything went smoothly and I might even return in the future!”

Briana, June 2023


” We would highly recommend this project to anyone wanting an ethical and wholesome experience. A++ . We are enjoying ourselves and working hard for the cause! The people who manage this place are so kind and caring and such hard workers. They go out of their way to assist and make it the best experience for you. It feels like one big family when you volunteer here. It has been a very rewarding experience and so nice to be able to help out to these precious baboons, Guinea pigs, rabbits, dogs, cat , chickens and even Lemon the friendly turkey! We cannot forget the adorable Bush Baby. We loved this experience and it will be a memory we will cherish the rest of our lives!!! ”

The LeClair and Nicholds families, 2 weeks May 2023

“This is a truly magical place! 🙂 Really enjoying it and learning a lot about baboons. 2 weeks isn’t enough; I wish I booked 3 weeks 🙂 The other volunteers are friendly. Food is pretty plentiful (somewhere mentioned we should buy extra if we ate a lot, but it’s been fine). Had an excursion yesterday and should be doing one more before safari. 🙂 ”

Gemma, 2 weeks January 2023

“As soon as I arrived I had a brief but in depth tour of the phase 1 area by Jo who was super friendly and smiley. Everyone there was super nice so you’ll fit in easily and there’s always enough people to be with or not if you like to be alone! After lunch I had 2 nursery hours, meeting the older baboon called Patats. There were two babies there during the days I volunteered.  Stella will start bonding soon so she’s with a surrogate mother to help encourage the baboons into their natural state early on. They have a designated area for the babies and pair human mums to sleep with and take care of them but everyone spends time with them in the nursery area during the day. The most amazing part is that it is in Kruger National park with wild animals all around! We saw elephants, wild bore and baby gazelles in just the two days I was there. I felt very safe and looked after at this centre “

Mia, 1 week Dec 2022

” I’m having a great time here! Being with the monkeys is amazing and the people here are really helpful. They always make me gluten free options in all the meals.”

Danna, 14 days November 2022

A monkey clings to a volunteer for comfort“I had a lot more contact with Oyster whilst I was away than I expected which really helped to solve ant problems and made me feel more secure. I loved that every day was different and unexpected!”

“Thank you for what she describes as a wonderful, memorable trip, and for making Hannah feel safe during her first solo adventure. Much appreciated from a caring father ;)”

Hannah and Kevin, 10 days Sept 2022

“What a fantastic experience from top to bottom. I’m honestly having a hard time transitioning back to my “real life” at home. I keep thinking about those monkeys, holding them, their playfulness; the easy-going pace at the center and the teamwork and the camaraderie. And just getting away from phones and to-do lists and routines at home. I am starting to understand why many volunteers decide to stay for months on end! Thank you!  I’m grateful beyond words for the patience the Oyster team bestowed upon me with my 1001 questions throughout the three plus years we worked toward the fruition of this dream. I literally wouldn’t have done it without you. You both made me look VERY brave for taking on such an adventure on my own with Finn…in reality, I trusted in the support I received from my Oyster team so the “great unknown” didn’t actually seem all that scary. We left yesterday. Finn spent much of last night trying to work out when we can go back again. There was a great team environment and it felt good to be so productive every day. There were ample breaks for meals so I never felt like the work was too much. And the babies… ohhhh the babies. My heart was melting every time I got to enjoy their company. I preferred the baby vervets to the baboons. They are smaller and more entertaining to me. We got to do and see and learn so many new things. And everything went off just as smoothly as possible thanks to the organization by Oyster Worldwide. Take good care.  We hope to plan another adventure in the not-so-distant future”

Joni and Finn, 10 days March 2022

Baby monkey in rehabilitation in South Africa“This trip was amazing, Thankyou so much. Thankyou for all of your help and guidance organising it all and advice, it was the perfect choice! The whole safari add on was mind blowing. Utterly professional, beautiful b&b and Alison was awesome”

Alistair and Anne, 10 days January 2022

Feeding a baby monkey“It’s been really really great here. Everyone is so lovely and the monkeys are so so cute. Overall it’s been such a great trip and i’m very excited for my safari.”

Jessi, 10 days February 2020

A volunteer helps to bottle feed a baby monkey in South Africa“I cannot thank you and Oyster enough. It was the most amazing beautiful experience ever. It kicked my ass but I will definitely be returning next year. You helped me so much and I am so grateful.”

Mary Lee, 4 weeks November 2019

A baboon takes a nap on a volunteer in South Africa“We are having a very good time here. We are working hard but it is worth it, we are literally surrounded by monkeys! The atmosphere is really pleasant, everyone is willing to do the job and to do it properly. Besides, we know that we can ask as many questions as we want! After 2 weeks we feel much more comfortable so we are glad that we are staying 4 weeks.”

Laura, 4 weeks November 2019


“It was the experience of a life-time for my 10-year old daughter who now can’t wait to do more volunteering. We made many friends on
the project and many wonderful memories that we will cherish forever.!”

Jules, 2 weeks August 2019


Baby monkey in rehabilitation in South Africa“I also can’t thank you enough for helping me prepare for it. The instructions were accurate and I had more than enough info to feel confident about going over. It was great being able to ask you any question or query I was apprehensive about and being able to rely on an answer within a few hours! My time overseas was amazing!”

Stefanie, 2 weeks July 2019

“Georgie answered all of my queries extremely quickly which was brilliant. Also the Facebook page was very useful as I could chat to other volunteers before I got to the project and ask their advice. “

Rachel, 4 weeks June 2019


“I had the most amazing time overseas. I felt so at home. I’m missing it dearly already, bother the monkeys and the volunteers. I’m hoping to go back as soon as I can! Thank you so much for everything, it was unbelievable! ”

Kennedy, 4 weeks April 2019


“Everything is going great, I absolutely love it here! I’m enjoying every minute, it’s better than I had dared hope for. All the staff are great, very friendly and helpful. And the other volunteers are fantastic. The animals are, of course, adorable and I’m getting to know them quite well. One even jumped up to me on the baboon walk this morning and I carried her all the way to the pool which was a first :-)”

Rachel, 11 weeks April 2019

A baby monkey takes a bath at the rehabilitation centre

“It was a fantastic trip. The other volunteers were very sweet and we felt welcome from the start. I have seen a great development in my children and their English has improved a lot in the few weeks. Even though it was long working days from 6 am to 4 pm every day it has been great. It is actually very relaxing cutting fruits for 2 hours or more at the time – while you have the good long talks about life with your children or just enjoy to see them interact with the other volunteers in the work with the velvets and baboons.”

Tanja, 2 weeks February 2019

“The process of booking my trip and making it happen was extremely smooth. I was able to do it all within a week. It was really special to be able to work so closely with animals like monkeys and baboons every day.”

Sarah, 4 weeks December 2018

Monkeys hugging each other “We had a wonderful time. The whole trip was an unforgettable and wonderful experience where we met many amazing people from all over the world and were able to learn about the monkey‘s situations, needs and behavior. Everything went absolutely fine and this was the basis to make our experience an overall success!”

Andreas, 2 weeks March 2018

A volunteer bottle feeds a baby primate in South Africa on the rehabilitation project

“I had a fabulous time and I am already looking when I can go back! The sense of community there was wonderful, a home away from home, and even though the work was tough it was so rewarding when you saw the effect it had on the animals (as well as just cuddling them). Thank you very much for all your help with this project – I am very grateful.”

Bryony, 1 week December 2017

monkeys south africa“I enjoyed my whole stay there, but I loved the trips and the amazing things we saw and experienced there. I also enjoyed the contact with the monkeys. Being able to actually feed them, carry them around, playing and cuddling with them. Thank you very much for the great communication!”

Floriane, 3 weeks October 2017

volunteering with monkeys” I really have nothing to say on the oyster aspect. For real, your website and your organization is 1000 better than a lot that I have found on the internet. Everything is there and everything is so clear and my agent answer me really fast on the email that was really good and make me very more at ease about the project”

Florence, 4 weeks October 2017

baby monkey in South Africa in hand of volunteerThe pre-trip info on My Oyster was excellent very comprehensive and answered many questions and gave lots of advice regarding what to expect/items to pack. All arrangements regarding our stay and pick up ran smoothly and all the advice given regarding the project was accurate. My son, Louis, enjoyed the project so much he wants to return again next summer!”

Deborah & Louis, 1 week September 2017

south africa monkey conservation“The bond I formed with the animals and the other volunteers was much more emotional then I thought it would be. All the information I learnt was more then I expected and the leaders of the project where very open about their work and answered every question I had about these animals.”

Megan, 4 weeks June 2017

“I’ve been having a fabulous time becoming acquainted with people from all over the world here and learning all about the Vervet Monkeys and Baboons of South Africa!  I can’t believe that I have finally had the chance to explore the world of South Africa!”

Katie, 4 weeks June 2017

volunteering with monkeys in South Africa“It was a wonderful experience. It was a highlight meeting some amazing new people and being accepted into the family – despite being so much older than all the other volunteers. This was an amazing experience, and I’m so glad I plucked up the courage to go and do it. I’ve never volunteered before.”

Sarah, 2 weeks May 2017

volunteering with monkeys“The highlight – taking the baboons on river walks and seeing them play together in a large open space.Thanks to Anne for answering any questions I had whilst booking this trip.”

Ellis 2 weeks March 2017

feeding a baby monkey“Life changing doesn’t even do it justice. Thank you isn’t enough. Our time with the huge family of volunteers, monkeys, dogs, drake and more was overwhelmingly loving, and very worthwhile.”

Jill, 2 weeks January 2017

Andy Holmer review“My time was absolutely amazing. I’ve had the chance to bond with so many wonderful people and beautiful animals. It’s so different being home again and so strange to adapt to the priorities of city life. Somehow people forgot that cuddling and grooming is top priority! Thank you for the opportunity and all the support!”

Andy, 4 weeks October 2016


“The highlights were being able to work directly with the monkeys and build relationships with them, meeting and working alongside other like-minded volunteers and learning about animal behaviours. You gain a great knowledge about the monkeys in such a short period of time, and the time you spend with them is such a unique experience and almost therapeutic! ”

Francesca, 10 days August 2016

Volunteer with a monkey“Real ‘hands on’ work with monkeys. The project is properly organised with very dedicated staff and animal well-being is at the heart of what they do. I was able to go on a 2 day safari to Kruger (for an extra fee) which was stunning, as well as a one day trip to see more of the country’s amazing landscape.”

Amanda, 2 weeks August 2016

web“We are having an amazing time! Everyone is so friendly and Joseph is loving it. The work they do here is fabulous; I am still a bit nervous about the baboons, but the smaller Vervets are wonderful. We have done all sorts, from food prep to collecting oranges and sitting on top of them on the ride back. The project hosts are lovely warm people – I just wish we were staying for longer.”

Vicky& Joseph, 2 weeks August 2016

web“I can honestly say the experience had a profound effect on me, definitely inspiring me to pursue a career in animal welfare. The preparation provided through Oyster is as good as you can get, and I owe you a lot for arranging the whole experience for me – I think as a company you are brilliant. Thanks again for everything you’ve done for me.”

Tamzin, 4 weeks August 2016

web“Being able to see the physicality of what a ‘love of animals’ really means has been encompassed in everything that the sanctuary is and stands for, and I feel as if their commitment to the animals, and the laborious nature of their care, parallels and exceeds what I wanted to achieve at the project. This is nothing like I have ever done before in my life.”

Liberty, 3 weeks July 2016

image (1)“People of all ages should do this if they truly care about the welfare and future of these primates that don’t have a voice! The centre relies on volunteers for both financial reasons and the sheer volume of the work load. And the work we do as volunteers is PRICELESS! The personal rewards are life changing.”

Lorraine, 8 weeks May 2016

web“The project was amazing – I met so many great people and still miss the baboons and vervet monkeys a lot. I’d love to go back one day. It was definitely the best experience I’ve had so far. Thanks again for everything.”

Rachel, 2 weeks May 2016

web“I didn’t know how much I would get out of this experience. It was a fantastic hands-on experience and I’ve learned some new skills. It is so easy to fall in love with them all, which makes it less like ‘work’ and more like spending time and having fun.”

Penelope, 10 days March 2016

web 111“It’s been great – I really enjoyed my time at the sanctuary, it was one of the best experiences of my life and I’m in fact hoping to save up enough money to go back there for a year. I want to say a big thank you to you and the rest of the Oyster team for your help in preparing for this trip because I am ever so glad that I went.”

Kojo, 6 weeks March 2016

web“By participating wholeheartedly in all the activities, I was able to determine new boundaries and limits for myself and see what sort of a person I could be when pushed out of my comfort zone. It is also an incredible project to really get involved in – the rehabilitation of the primates, and an excellent way to work in a very hands-on manner with the animals.”

Hanna, 12 weeks January 2016


It truly was the most amazing experience that I will never forget. The sanctuary hosts are remarkable people, and I admire their ethics and total devotion to the project. I am going to be looking into a career with the rehabilitation of animals or helping animals in some way. I’ve always loved animals, especially monkeys, and this has certainly spurred me on to do that.”

Jaz, 3 weeks March 2016

Sharing dinnerI loved almost every second! Making amazing friends, feeling completely immersed in the lifestyle and looking after such an incredible species hands-on. It’s so much fun! I learnt so much about myself and others, including about the native culture and other volunteers’ cultures. Thank you for helping me organise the experience of a lifetime!

Emily, 2 weeks February 2016

Dom Tutino

“I had very high expectations for the trip but it exceeded all of them in every way. I felt like I was making a difference every single day. Having some one-on-one time, and developing bonds with the animals and seeing how they became more comfortable with you everyday, was priceless.”

Dominic, 4 weeks January 2016

12472261_10156452590710243_6691335544439675182_n“The people here are amazing and the babies are super cute. We have around 25 babies at the moment which is just so cool! It’s very hard to tell them apart though – I think I can recognise about a third of them so far!”

Hannah, 12 weeks January 2016

web“I absolutely loved my time looking after the monkeys and getting stuck into the work. I really enjoyed my time there – it was hard work and hot but it’s exactly what I was expecting. The sanctuary hosts were amazing, and I am truly inspired by their dedication.”

Joanne, 2 weeks November 2015

Amelia Stubbs“The management were amazing, very welcoming and friendly. I loved the hands on experience, learning new skills and knowledge, and sighting some South African animals on Safari.”


Amelia, 2 weeks September 2015

Primate volunteering“The trip was amazing – I really enjoyed both working with the baboons and spending time with the other volunteers, and I was really sad to leave at the end. Thanks a lot for helping me to choose and get ready for the project, it was an incredible experience.”

Miles, 3 weeks September 2015

Monkey volunteer“My time in South Africa was absolutely amazing and I can’t believe it’s all over! I really miss the monkeys and baboons… and the other volunteers obviously. It was an incredible experience, I learnt so much and have some great memories.”

Lizy, 4 weeks September 2015

Volunteering with monkeys“It was a very good experience for me, especially for my personal development. It was indeed very hands-on. There were very many positive moments, meeting very nice people, including the sanctuary hosts, going to Kruger park, enjoying the Saturday night braai’s, going to town with the truck…Thank you very much for your personal support!”

Cynthia, 3 weeks August 2015

Catherine Fleming“I met a lot of amazing new people, and learned about different cultures. I really helped to do something good. Making a strong bond with one specific baboon was my number one highlight. It’s great fun and very rewarding – enjoy every moment and don’t skip out on any opportunities you have. Thank you very much, I couldn’t have done it without Oyster.”

Catherine, 6 weeks August 2015

Amelia St-John Wallis“We really had an amazing experience. It was so well organised and everyone we met there was so lovely and down to earth. Thank you for organising everything!”

Amelia, 2 weeks August 2015

Monkey in SA

“I loved spending time with the monkeys and meeting lots of amazing people from around the world. It is a great way to meet new people and learn about other parts of the world whilst working for a worthwhile cause with a definite cute factor.”

Rachel, 2 weeks July 2015

Volunteering in South Africa“I loved every aspect, from the hard work to the people, not to mention the animals. Caring for the baboons and being part of the team to look after them was brilliant. Everyone made an important contribution to the project.”

Hannah, 2 weeks July 2015

Volunteering with monkeys“I’m having a really good time. The place is lovely, the sanctuary hosts are very kind and welcoming, and I am leaving on Monday after a wonderful month in South Africa. Thanks for all your help.”

Katie, 4 weeks July 2015

Monkey rehabilitation“I can honestly say it was the best experience of my life, and I was so sad to leave! It was so much better than I could have ever imagined. I have so many good photos – I just keep looking at them everyday. I’m currently just working at the moment and trying to save some money, and hoping the blues wear off!”

Luke, 4 weeks July 2015

Volunteer with monkeys“South Africa was beautiful. I honestly had the best two weeks of my life. Now I’m back, I’ve asked for a career break from work for a year so I can travel more and volunteer again on this project. Thanks for the opportunity! Really the best time.”

Tom, 2 weeks July 2015

Monkey rehabilitation volunteering“After my last South Africa trip through Oyster my expectations were really high, but this project definitely lived up to it! It was such an incredible experience interacting with the monkeys daily, especially when they began to recognise you and become more playful! I really didn’t want to leave!”

Hannah, 4 weeks June 2015

Volunteering“We had a wonderful time in South Africa and we are now definitely missing the overall team and lovely monkeys out there! We also had the chance to visit Kruger Park, and it was absolutely fantastic to watch the beautiful wildlife living in the park!”

Sohely, 2 weeks April 2015

Volunteer in South Africa“I had a great time in South Africa. It was amazing working with the monkeys. If you love animals you’ll love this volunteer work. You can’t help but fall in love with them. Amazing work. Well done!”

Laura, 1 week March 2015

Emma Pound - volunteering with monkeys“Getting to handle monkeys and really see them and learn about them, meeting new people and learning about their background were the real highlights of this trip. Thank you so much for everything; I wouldn’t have done that trip if I was slightly worried, but I had no concerns at all as Anne was there whenever I needed to ask a question or just talk about the trip.”

Emma, 4 weeks March 2015

Monkey volunteering“South Africa was just amazing! The sanctuary hosts are two incredible people; thanks to them we were all feeling at home and got a 2nd family. I wish I could have stayed longer – it was really hard to say goodbye. I learnt so much and am really proud to have lived this experience.”

Yasmine, 2 weeks March 2015

Monkey rehabilitation volunteering“I loved the monkeys and baboons, and I like the way the facility is run. Swimming with baboons, having time to bond with the monkeys and baboons, and preparing food and bottles for them was just great. Go into it with an open mind!”

Sara, 2 weeks February 2015

Monkey volunteering“We had a really rewarding time and loved being with the monkeys. We met some fantastic people, both volunteers like us and workers out there – everyone made us feel very welcome. We are definitely missing some of our special little monkey friends.”

Louise, 2 weeks January 2015

Monkey rehabilitation volunteering” Just want to say thank you so much for all your help with booking this trip and for being really easy to talk to about the smallest little things. It felt nice to know you were there if we needed you. I really enjoyed booking through Oyster and I’m sure I will do again in the (hopefully) near future!”

Alice, 2 weeks January 2015

Monkey rehabilitation“My trip was amazing. It’s possibly the best thing I’ve ever done. I’m definitely missing the monkeys. I knew it was going to be hands on, but I didn’t know the extent, and I really couldn’t have hoped for a better experience. All the people I met were great, the first couple of days are overwhelming, but once I got past that, I really felt comfortable there and had such a great time.”

Katie, 2 weeks December 2014

South Africa volunteering“It’s good to have different experiences in life. The staff were very helpful, nothing was too much trouble for them. Expect to do some very dirty work, and to get very messy. Well worth volunteering, no matter what age you are!”

Julie, 4 weeks November 2014

Monkey volunteering“I’m already missing the monkeys! It’s such a special place – it really does feel like home after a while and I could have stayed much longer! I really enjoyed helping the team and being a part of such a great group of volunteers.”

Chris, 3 weeks November 2014

Monkey conservation“My time in South Africa was amazing! Thank you so much for everything you’ve done for me, I couldn’t have asked for a better experience! Other people should do this because it will not be something that they will regret. The amount I learnt in such a short time is incredible – I can’t imagine the things I would have learnt if I had been there longer (I wish I had stayed longer!)”

Joanne, 4 weeks October 2014

Monkey volunteering“The two main highlights for me were looking after the baby baboons and going to Kruger National Park. If you enjoy working with animals, and love the thought of having monkeys climbing all over you, then you would definitely enjoy this project. I had a brilliant time working with the monkeys and I met some wonderful people.”

Ruth, 4 weeks October 2014

Gap year volunteering“The whole trip was amazing. We didn’t want to leave. We met some amazing people and some even more amazing monkeys! I miss them so much… I’m definitely going back there one day!! Thank you so much.”

Jess, 2 weeks September 2014

Monkey volunteering“We had the most amazing experience in South Africa – the centre was incredible and we had so much fun there. The monkeys and baboons were so adorable and we met some great people. We wished we could have stayed for longer. Thank you very much for all your help for preparing us before we went, we really appreciate it!”

Lizzy, 2 weeks August 2014

Monkey rehabilitation in South Africa“Thank you so much for helping me with my trip! I had such an amazing time and met such amazing people! Thank you for everything! I will never forget my time in South Africa, I can’t believe it is over!”

Rose, 2 weeks August 2014

Volunteering with monkeys in South Africa“I had an absolutely amazing time!! Yes, deffo missing the monkeys. Especially the little 2 week old ones that arrived while I was there! I truly had an amazing experience and thanks for all your help.

Amanda, 2 weeks August 2014

Monkey rehabilitation volunteering“The trip suited me down to the ground and I don’t think I’ve known 3 weeks pass so fast. I love the concept of a working holiday as sitting on a beach has never been my thing. I met some extremely special people of all ages, and enjoyed the fact it didn’t matter who we were, where we came from or how old we were, we were all there to do an important job.”

Sara, 3 weeks July 2014

Monkey rehabilitation volunteering in South Africa“I am so glad to be home after a couple months away, but I miss Africa already. It was a really amazing experience – I learnt a lot about myself. I plan now to focus on my last year of high school and hopefully to study veterinary medicine in college soon 🙂 Thank you!”

Jasmine, 2 weeks July 2014

Volunteering with baboons“South Africa was incredible.We also lucky to have been there around the time of the release of a troop of vervets – Holly and I were part of the team taken to the release site to make the final arrangements, and they have now taken the troop out!”

Zoe, 2 weeks July 2014

Monkey rehabilitation “I will definitely be looking into doing more volunteer work with animals in the future. Not only is it a fantastic experience, but it’s great value for money, and you are getting a trip where you come away feeling a sense of achievement, as you have made a huge difference to the centre, which would struggle to run without the volunteers.”

Holly, 2 weeks July 2014

Monkey rehabilitation“You really need to spend a month there to get the most out of it. Get excited to spend time with a whole variety of different people because it’s so much fun 😀 Everything was a lot more relaxed and fun than I was expecting. Wish I’d stayed longer!”

Megan, 2 weeks July 2014

Monkey rehabilitation“Our time was challenging and hard work, but we learnt a lot about the monkeys AND about ourselves and it’s been an enriching experience. We met some great new friends and have some amazing photos. Thank you!”

Angela and Phil, 2 weeks July 2014

Oyster reviews“Highlights included bottle feeding the babies throughout the day, taking the baboons to the pool, getting to sit and play in the baby cages, visiting the release site where the Vervet group would be released, being able to sit and watch the main Baboon camp and see the adults interact and go about their daily lives, and the social evenings with the other volunteers.”

Charlotte, 8 weeks May 2014

Volunteering with monkeys“An amazing opportunity to be around such fascinating monkeys and really spend time with them and interact with them. I can’t believe how rewarding the release was – I did this in my last week and it was such an emotional and amazing time to be part of actually releasing these wild animals back in to their natural habitat, where they belong.”

Cheryl, 6 weeks May 2014

Monkey conservation south africa“I have had a great time – even better than I expected! The project itself is very worthwhile and we had so much hands-on experience. I enjoyed meeting a variety of different people from different countries and cultures. The set up there is very welcoming and everyone works as a team. Thank you so much for all your help, it really was a fabulous trip.”

Harriet, 6 weeks, May 2014

Monkey conservation South Africa“I really enjoyed it out there – probably one of the best, if not the best, month of my life. I’ve got some really great memories and some really good friends out of it. I’m missing the monkeys and the lifestyle already. It was a really good experience that I’m never going to forget.”

Liam, 4 weeks, April 2014

Animal welfare in south africa“I really enjoyed the experience and am already trying to plan a date for when I can go back. The people were all really nice and accommodating, and I miss them and the volunteers more than the monkeys.”

Laurence 2 weeks, March 2014

volunteer with monkeys“I soon learned the routine, fitted in and loved every moment. I feel I grew as an individual, gained life experience and had the most incredible month of my life.Thank you very much for making this experience possible, it is certainly a trip I will never forget and has gave me many amazing memories.”

Charlotte, 4 weeks, August 2013

Eleanor and Monkey“South Africa was incredible. Such an experience. Thanks for helping me sort it all out. The monkeys were so fun to work with and it’s so hands on that you actually get to play with them and even take them to shower with you. I had a really good time and got to see a bit of the country as well.”

Eleanor, 2 weeks August 2013

Volunteer with baboons in South Africa“The 3 weeks with the monkeys were amazing – I have never had such a brilliant and hands on time with animals before in my life. The monkeys were beautiful – I totally fell in love with the baboons, as well as with a 1 month old baby Samango monkey who arrived 3 days before my departure. It was an experience of a lifetime and I am so glad to have done it!”

Lee, 3 weeks February 2013

“If you care about animals, and are prepared to work hard but also to join in and be sociable with other volunteers (there’s a lovely atmosphere there), then it’s an amazing opportunity.”

Charlotte, 2 weeks March 2012

Oyster volunteer with baboons in South Africa“I am so glad that I got a chance to spend time with the baboons, they are incredible; how can you not fall in love with each and every one of them, even Yopi who has a habit of using your hair as a bungee jump! The reps were brilliant and very knowledgeable. Thanks again for all your help – best experience ever.”

Sarah, 2 weeks November 2011

Oyster volunteer receiving love from a baboon“The placement was fantastic. I was able to work with and learn about primates, which was exactly what I expected. I enjoyed it immensely and value the experience. Go with an open mind, prepared to enjoy yourself. Don’t take clothes you care about too much, and remember that monkeys like to play with jewellery, so be careful!”

Lucrezia, 2 weeks September 2011

“The pOyster volunteer feeding a baby baboonroject more than lived up to my expectations. It really is quite surreal to go for a walk with 5 baboons, 2 vervets and 5 or 6 dogs, but that was my daily experience there. Being able to get so close to the monkeys and baboons was very special – they were real characters and it’s great to know that one day they will be released as part of a large troop.”

Catherine, 6 weeks September 2011

For more information on this great project, see our baboon and monkey rehabilitation webpage.


8 responses to “Oyster Reviews: Volunteer with monkeys South Africa
  1. Hi,
    I would love to come do this after I’ve saved enough money
    (Proabably during my 1st year of university as a treat) and whilst I would love to volunteer with all the monkeys, I feel like it would be a special treat to cuddle a baby monkey/baboon.
    Is there a certain baby season/ month that would be a great time to visit?
    And would love he summer holidays (july to mid September) be a good time to see lots of ages/ types of monkeys?
    Also what’s your policy on taking photos with the monkeys?

    Thanks and sorry for all the questions.

    1. Hi Maria, thanks for your message. It is great to hear that you are keen to do something like this 🙂

      Baboons are born throughout the year, so there are always baby baboons coming in. Whilst the birthing season for monkeys is November – February, this obviously doesn’t stop them being tiny babies for at least another 6 months so you will always have baby monkeys around too, just in various stages of baby-hood. Volunteers work closely and hands-on with the monkeys until they are about a year old, so you will be hands on with all of them until about that age.

      June- September is a fine time to go there and there is always lots to do with the monkeys and baboons! As you can see from all of our pictures, photos with monkeys are almost mandatory 🙂

      I hope that helps!


  2. Hi, I’m hoping to studying vet med at uni and so was wondering how often volunteers assist with veterinary procedures

    1. Hi Alice, thank you for your message. Unfortunately that question is not an easy one to answer, as it really depends on the medical needs of the primates at any one time, and how long you would choose to stay for. I wouldn’t go with the idea in mind that you would be taking part in any veterinary procedures, but if they come up, then you could certainly participate. With over 400 primates, that does happen quite a lot. This project is fantastic to use for veterinary experience as it is so hands-on, and many people have used it for work experience before.

    1. Hi Emaily

      Absolutely, we have volunteers from all over the world participating in this project 🙂

      We look forward to getting you involved!

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