
Find out what Oyster participants have said about our TESOL and teaching programme in Thailand:

teach in thailand“I’m doing great. First day of teaching went well and I love my school. Everyone is lovely and have been very friendly and helpful. I’m settling in well so far.”

Andrea, 2018

meditation in Thailand

“The first week was really good, were well into the TESOL course now and have been to the elephants this afternoon which was amazing!

I’m really enjoying it now we’ve got together with the group and spent a lot of time together through orientation week. I much prefer the location were in now than the city.
I’m getting on really well with all the staff as well and Natalie who has been dealing with my placement has been amazing both before I got here and since I’ve arrived in Hua Hin.

I’ve been asking a lot of questions don’t worry so hopefully I will be as prepared as possible when I leave and move onto my placement.”

“Sarah was there at any time to help me with all my last minute little worries. Thank you so much!

Melissa Salt, 2018

teach in Thailand“It’s going great so far thanks. Orientation week was really good fun and now settling into the swing of being a student again.”

Charlotte Heath, 2018

teach in Thailand“It’s been an incredibly busy month! I’ve been having the most amazing time so far, from the volunteering in Laos to the TESOL course and my current job in Thailand, every aspect has been brilliant! I just wanted to say a massive thank you again for all your help in getting me out here!”

Harry Fernberg, 2017

Thai teaching in Chiang Mai

During the course-

“Everything is going wonderfully! I have made friends with a few local Thai people and have been getting along very well with the TESOL group. Orientation week was awesome and our first day of the actually TESOL course (today) went smooth. There is going to be so much to learn but I am looking forward to the challenge!”

While teaching –

“Everything is going well at my placement! I am very happy with my school, the town and surrounding area and have enjoyed getting to know all of the English teachers in the area. No complaints here”

Erica Sedler, 2017

Thailand teaching“Everything is going really well, I’ve settled in just fine and the course is going well so far. Its very intense and everybody’s getting very tired but its all worth it. The team have been brilliant to work with, the staff are very friendly and have made settling in easy and comfortable.”

Hazel Blount, 2017

TEFL teaching in Thailand“The location of the course was very welcoming. Tom and Lesley were a great help with the course and with settling into the Phuket lifestyle. Tom has some interesting lessons planned for us and teaching at the school was so much fun. Thank you for your support”

Roop Sagoo, 2017

Thai teaching“Tom was a great teacher and helped in every way possible. He gave me clear and precise instructions; I got a sim card at the airport, rang Tom and he then talked to taxi driver and directed him to the school. Tom explained all the accommodation in detail and about the area, and I was all unpacked and raring to go within an hour. Oyster has been great from the start! Clear instructions were easily emailed and they were quick to respond. They answered any minor questions I had, and calmed my parents down. They were just fantastic.”

Eilish Kincla, 2016

Holly“All is going really well! My favourite kids to teach are the 12-15 year olds at the moment – they’re incredibly bright and switched on, and so much better behaved than I imagined they would be.”

Holly Ross-Macdonald, 2016

13507103_10153628065607267_4173306993172897127_n“I’ve loved every second of the experience so far. The course has been very interesting – it’s tiring but I’m learning a lot. The hands-on experience in school has been fantastic! I’m really enjoying it and the kids here are so well behaved and so cute! We have a good group that all get along well. We’ve actually met someone from last month’s course and he has been great helping us with any questions and showing us around. We’ve just started looking at places to live after the course and applying for jobs too.”

Steve Turner, 2016


“The course is going really well. There is so much to learn in 3 weeks. Tom is doing a wonderful job and is a great mentor. I am so happy to be teaching these beautiful children at BangTao school.”

Trish Finucane, 2016

web 111“Phuket is lovely as I expected. I’m really finding the course interesting, especially since I think about teaching in terms of being a university student. Tom and Leslie have made the accommodation and lifestyle adjustment smooth.”

Gareth Loughlin, 2016

blog“The course was quite good and lots of fun. The classes were great fun and I felt I learnt a lot which was good. The fact that I have a TEFL now, and pictures of me teaching Thai kids, is going to go in my favour a lot.”

Sebastien Maw, 2016


IMG_1777 small

(Describing her day in Thailand): “I taught my first class of Thai students in a Kindergarten class full of students with enough energy to power a mid size city. Then I worked in my TEFL certification class until 4. I tutored Thai adults working at a local hotel on basic customer service phrases…another day in paradise!”

Cassandra Farrugia, 2015

IMG_1720 temple“I had a great time in Thailand, the experience was amazing. I really enjoyed the TEFL course. It was very intense and we all appreciated that we had real teaching experience with children of different age groups, but in addition, Tom had organised teaching with hotel staff too.”

Donna McIntosh, 2015

IMG_1785 small“Thank you for all of the “prep” work you sent to us with the advice and suggestions – all were valuable and much appreciated. A note of encouragement for you to continue such communications with future students is in order. We both enjoyed the course immensely, and as Tom has suggested, we did take it seriously. It was both challenging and rewarding. Tom did a great job in guiding us through the material.”

Bruce and Janice Burke 2015


“The course itself was great and I especially enjoyed my teaching experience. Roger and Christine were very supportive, and even drove me to the hospital when I was unwell on my first weekend there. I can’t thank them enough. The course prepared us well to teach at a beginner level, and thus, for a job in Thailand.”

Katy 2014

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