This is a fantastic blog written by Gerlinde Meuller, a recent volunteer on our Sri Lanka Elephant volunteering programme. The pictures look amazing!
For my gap-year, I decided to be a volunteer for two weeks from November 11th to December 13th of 2015. This was just the right thing! It was a great time I had at the Sri Lanka project and in the Field-house and I learned so much about nature and the problems of locals and animals. I am happy, I had the chance to participate and contribute a little bit to the project.

The Field-house is a nice open house, located on a hill, overlooking a big lake, known locally as the Karawgas Wewa. These lakes are large man-made water bodies and they are known as tanks. I loved the place very much, the nature, the atmosphere and the ever changing scenery of the sky were just great there, especially in the morning or after heavy rain.

Going to the various different places to do transects was always an adventure (it was the rainy season!)
Field Scout, Sarath, he is the best driver I know, managed all situations in a brilliant way and we had fun going through water and massive potholes!

We would observe elephants passing by on several days. This was always very exciting! Everyone wanted to see them!

Carrying sand for the sand traps up the hill and preparing the sand-traps made us sweat a lot. So we loved to have a bath in the tank afterwards!

While putting up the beehive fences we would sometimes spot some interesting animals.
Thank you everyone for a great time!