
Marine conservation internships in Thailand

Marine Conservation Internship The marine conservation internship is open to students of biology, marine biology, oceanography and other relevant disciplines. Working alongside researchers and volunteers, the marine conservation internship is the perfect …

17 fascinating facts about coral reefs

Coral reefs are intriguing things and as we wrote about last month it is imperative that we protect them. Because of that we have put together our top 17 fascinating facts about coral …

Why are coral reefs so important?

Protecting coral reefs is something that more and more of us are aware is important but something that isn’t always clear is why it is so important. Well there are several reasons. Firstly, …

Why is marine conservation so important?

Marine conservation as a concept is relatively new. It was only in the 1960s that it was generally acknowledged that major fish populations were in decline and ecosystems were dramatically deteriorating. Today, …

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