
Having a gap year over 50 – what’s it all about!

We asked ‘mature traveller’ Sara about her experience as an Oyster volunteer. She had some fantastic advice to make things more comfortable for those slightly older volunteers looking for an overseas adventure …

19 Interesting Holidays to Try in 2020

Are you looking to try something different in the New Year? Travelling is one of the best ways to broaden your mind and delight your soul, as well as open your heart …

Book now for a family holiday with a difference!

Booking a family holiday with a difference: the Oyster Worldwide guide Thinking about your next family holiday? So are we! If you are looking for a family holiday with a difference then …

Interesting facts about elephants

Elephants are fascinating creatures. Being the largest of all land mammals on Earth, many aspects of their huge anatomy are a source of amazement themselves, whilst their high level of social development …

Exploring Chiang Mai and its elephant tourism

In November 2016 I was lucky enough to return to Chiang Mai, where I would be based for several days whilst I visited several elephant volunteer projects in the area. Not only …

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