
Game ranger groupAdam Watson has just returned from spending 8 weeks in South Africa where he trained to be a game ranger. Along with a group of other hardworking interns, they learned all about wildlife, conservation and habitats before passing their FGASA level 1 exams. Here Adam tells us a bit about his experience:

“From the moment I arrived I met many really amazing people who I bonded with near enough straight away. This then continued with more volunteers as they came and went throughout my course and I will definitely be in contact with a lot of them in the future. The reserve I stayed in had very friendly staff who would always keep spirits high and accommodate your every needs which made life comfortable, along with a nice sociable lodge to stay in with basic amenities which actually increased the authenticity of my experience. It also had a variety of indigenous animals, plants, birds and habitat which is exactly what I was looking for and the course leader was extremely knowledgeable and funny which never made learning boring. I would highly recommend doing the course and it does take a lot of concentration and study to pass so people shouldn’t go into it looking for an easy volunteering experience. Fingers crossed I’ve passed the FGASA level 1 now!

Future plans consist of working around my area to build up funds for the next trip, I’m debating finding work in southern Africa or working/travelling in Australia or Canada at the moment so some solid research is on the horizon haha.”

A huge thank you to Adam for sharing his thoughts and feedback!

To find out more about the game ranger course that Adam and the others successfully completed, visit our South Africa game ranger website.

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