
Relaxation holidays are a great way to escape from the reality and humdrum, but do you ever feel that you don’t actually get to explore the country or meet the people? If you are looking at heading abroad in 2017, why not volunteer? Volunteering is a fantastic way to give back, meet new people and explore a country and culture in way that your average holiday cannot provide. Need convincing? Here are 7 reasons why you should book a volunteering holiday.

costa rica 3
Volunteering with turtles in Costa Rica


Reason 1 – Give back

There are so many charities and causes in this world to support. Often in our day to day life, time constraints make it hard to dedicate a good chunk of time to a cause that you believe in. Volunteers make a huge difference to so many charities where funding is restricted and help is needed.

Reason 2 – Fulfill a dream

Perhaps you have dreaming of seeing an elephant? Why spend money heading to a zoo or a safari, when there are opportunities for you to volunteer with a charity that supports the welfare of these beautiful animals. With so many animals now on the endangered list, there is no better time to get involved.

Reason 3 – Escape the tourists

We have all been on those holidays where we are bused from the airport to a hotel full of people with the same nationality. If you want to meet local people and avoid the crowds, volunteering allows you to do that. Stay and work with local people making a genuine difference to their countries and avoid becoming a ‘typical’ tourist’.

Monitoring elephants
Family volunteering in Sri Lanka


Reason 4 – Challenge yourself

Push your limits – try something new. Volunteering is not easy and it requires hard-work and dedication. At the end of each day you will be able to sleep happy knowing that you have done something worthwhile. Don’t just lounge at the pool – develop your skills.

Reason 5 – Meet new friends

Volunteering is social. The beauty of heading out on a volunteering project is that you are guaranteed to meet people who are just as passionate as you. Working closely with a group of people will mean that you will fly home having made some amazing life-long friends.

Orangutan conservation
Volunteering with Orangutans


Reason 6 – Gain a unique experience

No two volunteering experiences are the same. Each day you will get involved in different activities and meet new people. Each day’s activities will be governed by what is needed by the charity.

Reason 7 – Become a local

After a few days, living like a local, you will be surprised how quickly you are seen as a part of the community. Rather than being an outsider, looking in – why not become an insider and learn what really makes the community unique.

For more reasons, read our ‘why volunteer?‘ page.

Looking for inspirations for your own volunteering holiday? Oyster Worldwide has so many opportunities for those looking to make the most out of their time away. The family project page is perfect for anyone looking for programmes suitable for children. Check out our website or read the blogs of past volunteers to see what they gained from their experience.

2 responses to “7 reasons that your next holiday should be a volunteering holiday
  1. I am thinking about activities for my son over the summer holidays – spor- he is 16 and sports mad. I’d love more information if pssibloe

    1. Hi Nick, we would love to get your son involved in one of our programmes. We can only accept volunteers who are 17 or older on our sports coaching programme. If you would like more information please do let us know. Here is the link to our South Africa sports coaching programme that may appeal to him.

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