
When selecting childcare and teaching programmes, Oyster Worldwide take the following precautions:

  • All programmes are thoroughly assessed by a member of the UK staff to ensure that children are well cared for and supported by full-time members of staff
  • All programmes allow regular visits and monitoring by UK staff and in-county representatives
  • We only work with properly regulated children’s homes, care centres and schools
  • We only send participants to a programme if it will genuinely benefit the children and not create a burden to staff and the local community
  • The best interests of the children and the volunteers are paramount

All participants and volunteers, signed up for a childcare, sports coaching or teaching programme, must:

  • Provide a background or police if they are over 18
  • Provide a professional or academic reference
  • Adhere to our volunteering with children code of conduct
  • Follow our safe guarding procedures if they suspect or witness child abuse

Additional support is also provided prior and during the programme by Sarah, the Destination Manager for Oyster Worldwide’s childcare and teaching programmes.

Feedback forms are provided at the end of all our programmes so that participants and volunteers can provide feedback.

Many of our childcare and teaching programmes have minimum durations. This is because we are committed to ensuring that volunteers and participants are able to make a positive impact while abroad.

Volunteers do not need previous experience to take part in our projects because we are confident that passionate individuals can still make an incredible contribution. They receive training, advice and plenty of supervision to make sure that they can work effectively and safely with the children.

There are strict vetting processes in place for participants looking to take part in our long-term, paid teaching programmes. Paid teachers need a BA degree to gain a job abroad.

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